Megan's Monday Motivation

Monday, 6/5/23: Talking about summer planning

Happy Monday!

It’s a new week, which means it’s time for your next Monday motivation newsletter.

Read on below for some steps to a happier Monday, a short story and a roundup of positive thoughts to get your week started.

Three Steps to a Happier Monday

Each newsletter starts with three prompts to inspire gratitude and simple intention setting. Take a moment and jot down answers to these three questions. To give an example, I share my answers below.  

Step 1: What are three things I appreciated from the weekend? 

Step 2: What is one thing I can be excited about today?

Step 3: What is my intention for this week? 

GRATITUDE: I’m thankful for time to catch up with my friend Friday, my long run on Saturday and getting to go the Taylor Swift ERAS TOUR IN CHICAGO LAST NIGHT, OMG! 

TODAY: I’m most excited for dinner tonight with some friends/co-workers where we – without a doubt – will exclusively be talking about the Eras Tour in Chicago.

INTENTION: My intention this week is to lean into my summer routine (more below!).

Okay, your turn! And if you want to share your three steps, I am all ears. 🙂

Meaningful Musings: Planning for Summer

Yay! Summer is HERE!

It’s the season of longer days, warmer temps, slower paces… but also a season that can also go by in the blink of an eye.

Have you ever gotten to the end of a summer and wished you’d done more with the season?

I don’t want summer to come and go without seizing the opportunity to experience some of what I love most about the season. For the past couple of years, I’ve made “Summer Fun Lists,” which have helped me live in the season.

But this year, I took a slightly different approach.

I started by reflecting on what was already on my radar. Similar to how I do my monthly planning, I looked ahead to June, July and August and thought about the things I was looking forward to, things I was already committed to, and things I didn’t want to miss. Doing this helped me figure out what was different about this summer than other years.

I identified my “big themes,” or things that will make this season stand out from the others. At first glance, some of my themes might not sound like quintessential summer, but I don’t think you need an exotic vacation or complete change in scenery to make summer feel like summer. There are many ways you can put a ‘summer spin’ on everyday things.

Author Gretchen Rubin has a term she uses that I just love – she suggests to “design your summer.” As she says, “Designing your summer is about taking advantage of the season and making it distinctive. Life feels richer and more memorable when each season of the year feels special in some way.”

Agree with that! If you’re looking for a seasonal activity to do on this first Monday of June, give designing your summer a try and see how you can make the season feel more distinctive.

Here are some of my themes for the summer season ahead –

Summer 2023 Planning

Summer of… MOVING.
My summer will definitely be categorized by this exciting update: I’m moving apartments (still in Chicago)! Matt and I found an adorable two-bedroom, walk-up apartment right in the heart of Lincoln Park (the neighborhood we both live in currently and love). We are really, really excited. Since April, we’ve been preoccupied with search for an apartment (OMG – what a process. Glad that is over.), then figuring out all the things that come with moving. We’ll move at the end of this month/early July and then be focused on settling into the new place and embracing the fresh start.

While I am thrilled and so excited, it is also bittersweet as it means I’m leaving my dream solo apartment that I’ve lived in for almost five years. This apartment truly became my home in this city and was my landing place during some big pivotal moments. It might sound funny to be so attached to a physical space, but it’s certainly a special place to me. I want to find a way this summer to pay homage to it. So thankful I found it many years ago!

I’m running my first half marathon at the end of September! Last week I made my training plan (modified from the marathon training plan found in here) and plan to start next week.

This might not appeal to everyone, but I love that I know what workouts (+rest days) I’ll be doing every single day of summer. I love a list, so the idea of getting to check something off every day makes me downright giddy. Plus, I’m so excited to take advantage of the amazing Chicago summer weather on my runs!

Summer of… FUN READING.
This is something I’ve done the past two summers – I love making a “summer reading list” (TBT to school days). I’m still refining my list for this year, but I gravitate toward books that feel light and fun in the summer.
I have many on my radar, but the only issue is that many are recent releases, so the wait at the library is so long! Preferably, I would rent the majority of the books, so let me know if you have any summer favorites from last year!

Here’s what’s on my radar…


For the most part, my schedule isn’t changing in summer. Matt and I will be traveling for two weddings in June and there’s a big trip planned for September, but otherwise, planning to stay put in Chicago and work as normal. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t adopt slightly different rhythms to make things feel more summer-y.

I’m very lucky that my office participates in a Summer Friday schedule. Can’t WAIT to take advantage of those work-free Friday afternoons all season.

I also decided that I wanted to do a version of “Summer Fridays” for this newsletter. While most weeks things will continue on as normal, I won’t be sending a newsletter on the last Monday of the month, through August. Just a little tweak that will make this season feel different than the others!  

This one is more on an ambition than a mandate, but it stems from a few truths:

  1. Moving is EXPENSIVE. While I’ve had this move on my radar for a while and have been saving, you just forget how easily things add up! Plus, there are some investments we want to make to make the place feel like home. Shopping feels like the easiest extraneous category I can put a pause on for now while I focus on apartment things, with a few exceptions of course. Plus, see point no. 2…
  2. Moving makes you realize how much you ALREADY HAVE. I’m inspired by the upcoming move to pare down my belongings and am enjoying the purge, but OMG there is nothing like trying to pack up all your stuff to make you realize how much you already have. Reminding myself of this when I’m tempted to shop!
  3. Staying off of social media helps with my time perception. Of course, I can’t be totally screen-free (hi, I’m writing this with the help of a screen right now), but specifically, when I’m not in the habit of constantly checking my phone and going on social media, time feels richer. It goes by slower. I’m more likely to pick up a book, go on a walk, call a friend. I’m more relaxed. All things I want summer to be about. (Caveat: I would start this next week – have too much fun seeing the Taylor Swift Chicago content from the weekend, ha!)

Not holding myself to this one too closely, but on paper, like the idea.

Summer of… WEEKLY ADVENTURES (preferably with friends!).

When I think of summer, I think of adventures. I did “weekly adventures” last summer to make the weeks of the season stand out from one another. I found that something funny happens when you categorize something as an “adventure” (which, by the way, don’t let the word deter you – can be subjectively as big or small as you like) – I take it more seriously; I notice more things; I put more thought into it; I’m more patient and present.

Each week, I want to think of an “adventure” I can do, and preferably one I can do with a friend! Whether that’s a concert or trying a new restaurant or walking path or going to a friend’s wedding or on a quick weekend trip, I think it will be fun!

I want to keep a list of the weekly adventures too, so I can look back and remind myself of all the summer memories created.

So that’s it! I’m thinking of this summer as the “SUMMER OF SETTLING IN” – settling into a new apartment, a new training a plan, new rhythms and routines. I’m excited!

Do you have any summer plans or themes for this season? I’d love to hear.

On My Monday Radar

Sometimes we just aren’t ready to jump into our Monday to-do list right away. In case you want some content to procrastinate with, here is a roundup of a few positive things on my radar:  

  • I have an exciting find! So, I’ve been wanting one of these Lululemon Align tank tops for a while now to wear at workout classes. However, last week, I came across this very similar top from Target (and for a much cheaper price point – $22!). I ordered the pink (in the pic below!) and the brown and can confirm, they are great. Nice job, Target!
  • While I love a good Target find, I also love investing in pieces I wear over and over again. A few months ago I bought this jacket from Lululemon and it quickly became one of my most worn pieces. I have the color “Velvet Dust,” but the one I really wanted was “Flush Pink” (it was sold out at the time). Excited to see they finally restocked it!!! I don’t know if I need two of these jackets, but I am tempted…
  • 10 questions for the start of the summerOn theme with this week’s newsletter – a great podcast to listen to get the summer planning process started!
  • 14 books to dive into this summerLooking through this and adding some books to my summer reading list!  

That’s all for today! I hope you found something in today’s newsletter that sparked motivation, made you smile or inspired a positive Monday thought. Don’t underestimate the power of starting small… a fulfilling week starts with just one fulfilling day. You’ve got this! 

Let’s make it a great Monday!