Megan's Monday Motivation

Summer Mindset for 2024

This essay initially appeared in the Monday morning newsletter on 6/10/24.

This past weekend, I had my first “wow, it officially feels like summer” moments.

I was walking along the lake Sunday morning, basking in the warmth of the sun and buzzing from the energy of all the other Chicagoans running, walking, biking, kayaking alongside me.

I don’t know about you, but I am welcoming a new season with open arms. I am ready to shift into a summer mindset.

As I’ve alluded to in previous newsletters, I’ve been working on an intense project at work and we – thankfully – made it through a major milestone last week. I didn’t realize how tapped out I felt until I was able to catch my breath this weekend (ever heard of boiling frog syndrome?). There is more work ahead, but wow am I excited to stabilize my schedule and capacity a bit.

Needless to say, the transition to summer couldn’t come at a better time.

Last week, I enjoyed listening to this podcast episode that suggested principles to help you plan your summer.

I love taking cues from changing seasons to re-examine my routines. It helps me think deeper about how I’m spending my time for the season just right in front of me.

As suggested in the podcast, I started by looking around, looking back and looking ahead, when thinking about my summer. I found it to be such a fun and insightful exercise that I wanted to share my answers this morning, in case it prompts you to do something similar!

When I look around, I am so happy to be in Chicago for another summer, and in an apartment that Matt and I both love. We moved into this apartment last summer and I am relieved to not be thinking about packing, unpacking, buying furniture, etc. this year. Appreciating that!

I also recognize I need to take it easy and get some rest after a couple of busy months.

Lastly, I also realized I have a fair amount of control over my schedule this summer – no big travel or weddings to attend (very different than last summer!).  

When I look back at last summer, I remember some of my favorite moments included long runs outside, the spontaneous get togethers with friends and how everything just generally feels easier in the summer, thanks to the long days, beautiful weather and air of relaxation floating around us.

When I look ahead, I think about how September will really be “go time” for wedding planning. We’ve been making great progress as we plan and prepare for our early January wedding, but I think it will really start to feel “real” (and probably a bit stressful) once fall hits. I also think about trips I have scheduled for the fall, as well as regular hustle and bustle that comes along with the holidays. All great things! But things nonetheless that underscore the importance of rest during this season to save up reserves needed for later this year.

So, with that, I’ve decided my summer mindset for 2024 will be… “Let it be easy, let it be fun.” (A mantra I’ve loved ever since I read Jenny Blake’s book Free Time)

Ease is what I want to welcome this season. And the opposite of ease – overwhelm, stress, heaviness, hurry, pressure – is what I’m looking forward to putting to rest for a bit.

My goal is to ask myself, “Can I make this easier? Can I make this more fun?” throughout the summer. I see this applying to big things, like how I plan my days and weeks and how I approach work, as well as the little things too, such as which books I’m reading, my running routes, the meals I make.  

Ease & fun will be the name of the game for me these next couple weeks… and I can’t wait!

Tell me: have you planned your summer yet? Did you like the look around, look back, look ahead exercise too? I’d love to know!

Don’t underestimate the power of defining a mindset for the season ahead. As one of my favorite quotes from a book I read last year reads:  

“We know the world only through the window of our mind. When our mind is noisy, the world is as well. And when our mind is peaceful, the world is, too. Knowing our minds is just as important as trying to change the world.”
― Haemin Sunim, The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm in a Busy World

Wishing you a wonderful week and summer ahead!