Megan's Monday Motivation

My 20 in 2020 List

This essay originally appeared in the Monday morning newsletter on 12/23/19.

Inspired by the best-selling writer Gretchen Rubin, I decided to make a list of 20 things I want to do in 2020. After hearing about someone who had 35 things to do before a 35th birthday, Gretchen, author of The Happiness Project, adopted the idea and added a New Year’s twist.

I loved the idea! And I had so much fun brainstorming 20 things I want to accomplish in the next year. The items on my list range from habits to adopt (like a quarterly cleanout of my apartment) to aspirations (find a cause I’m passionate about and donate time or money) to silly, LITTLE things that I’ve been meaning to do forever (why haven’t I subscribed to a magazine since I’ve moved to Chicago? I used to look forward to getting them in the mail and loved reading them).

As mentioned in a previous newsletter, my approach with anything pertaining to goal setting is to break big things down into smaller, more digestible items. Everything I put on my 2020 list is simple and something I can realistically complete in the next year. The list is also filled with things that will either bring me joy or help me take a step (doesn’t matter how small) toward that ideal version of myself. And because I’ve assigned a deadline, I’m much more likely to complete instead of keeping these things on my perpetual “someday” list.

I wanted to share my list and this idea with you today in case it sparks inspiration for you to create your own 20 in 2020 list. I know I really enjoyed this exercise and hope you do too. Excited to see how many items we can complete in 2020!

My 20 in 2020 List:

  1. Subscribe to a magazine 
  2. Participate in a running group 
  3. Purchase a set of personalized stationery 
  4. Plan a reunion with college friends for a UF football game
  5. Alternate a glass of water in between drinks when out
  6. Use the 1 Second Everyday app to record more memories 
  7. Start using a meat thermometer 
  8. Host something at my apartment (brunch, dinner, happy hour, etc.) 
  9. Participate in a fantasy football league  
  10. Do a quarterly cleanout/decluttering of my apartment 
  11. Read 15 books
  12. Take a trip with my mom
  13. Find a dermatologist
  14. Replace my iPad case to have a working keyboard 
  15. Road trip to Notre Dame for a sporting event 
  16. Run a 5k race 
  17. Donate either time or money to a cause I am passionate about 
  18. Get new bedding
  19. Master ONE recipe and declare it my “go-to dish”
  20. Write 52 Monday morning newsletters!