Megan's Monday Motivation

Monday, 5/20/24: Talking about what’s on my radar this morning

Happy Monday!

It’s a new week, which means it’s time for your next Monday motivation newsletter.

Read on below for some steps to a happier Monday and some positive thoughts to get your week started.

Three Steps to a Happier Monday

Each newsletter starts with three prompts to inspire gratitude and simple intention setting. Take a moment and jot down answers to these three questions. To give an example, I share my answers below.  

Step 1: What are three things I appreciated from the weekend? 

Step 2: What is one thing I can be excited about today?

Step 3: What is my intention for this week? 

GRATITUDE: I’m thankful for time with Matt, the sunny summer-like weather and my run yesterday.

TODAY: Today, I’m most excited for a quiet evening. 

INTENTION: My intention this week is to write out my to-do list for the next day in advance. 

Okay, your turn! And if you want to share your three steps, I am all ears. 🙂

On My Monday Radar

Some Mondays, we aren’t ready to jump into our to-do list right away. In case you want some content to procrastinate with, here’s a roundup of a few positive things on my radar:  

  • I finished Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle earlier this month and loved it. Like all of her books (she wrote In Five Years and One Italian Summer too) there is a twist I did not see coming. I love the way Rebecca writes and describes places and peoples. Would recommend as a summer beach read! 
  • Speaking of summer reads… I’m loving perusing lists like thisthis and this of summer reading recommendations. I want to get my own list together!     
  • And speaking of summer… love this idea of “designing your summer.” Even if you are not following an academic calendar, summer is such a distinct season and I love the prompt to think about how you want to spend your time. Last year, I had “the summer of settling in” – in terms of settling into a new apartment, new running training plan, and new routines. I need to think about what I want this summer to be about!  
  • What are your grooming routinesThis is fun to read and think about. I am pretty regimented about getting my nails done, and my favorite splurge is getting my hair professionally blown out. 
  • good reminder for a Monday morning. 

Picture of the Week

(May 18, 2024)
First spotting of a Chicago street festival! It is officially summer.