Megan's Monday Motivation

Monday, 12/23/19: Talking about a 20 in 2020 list and last-minute gift ideas

Happy Monday!

And Merry (Almost) Christmas! It’s also another new week, which means it’s time for your next Monday motivation newsletter. Read on below for some steps to a happier Monday, a short story and a roundup of positive thoughts to get your week started. 

Three Steps to a Happier Monday

Each newsletter starts with three prompts to inspire gratitude and simple intention setting. Take a moment and jot down answers to these three questions. To give an example, I share my answers below.  

Step 1: What are three things I appreciated from the weekend?

Step 2: What is one thing I can be excited about today?

Step 3: What is my intention for this week? 

GRATITUDE: From my weekend, I am thankful that I was with my family in Orlando, I saw the Nutcracker for the first time in years and I reconnected with friends from high school on Friday and Saturday. 

TODAY: I am most excited to spend the day and night with two of my best friends from college for our annual Christmas get-together! 

INTENTION: My intention for this week is to be fully present as I embrace the holiday season. So excited Christmas is finally here and want to soak it all up!

Okay, your turn! And if you want to share your three steps, I am all ears. 🙂 

Lesson of the Week: 20 in 2020  

Inspired by the best-selling writer Gretchen Rubin, I decided to make a list of 20 things I want to do in 2020. After hearing about someone who had 35 things to do before a 35th birthday, Gretchen, author of The Happiness Project, adopted the idea and added a New Year’s twist.

I loved the idea! And I had so much fun brainstorming 20 things I want to accomplish in the next year. The items on my list range from habits to adopt (like a quarterly cleanout of my apartment) to aspirations (find a cause I’m passionate about and donate time or money) to silly, LITTLE things that I’ve been meaning to do forever (why haven’t I subscribed to a magazine since I’ve moved to Chicago? I used to look forward to getting them in the mail and loved reading them).

As mentioned in a previous newsletter, my approach with anything pertaining to goal setting is to break big things down into smaller, more digestible items. Everything I put on my 2020 list is simple and something I can realistically complete in the next year. The list is also filled with things that will either bring me joy or help me take a step (doesn’t matter how small) toward that ideal version of myself. And because I’ve assigned a deadline, I’m much more likely to complete instead of keeping these things on my perpetual “someday” list.

I wanted to share my list and this idea with you today in case it sparks inspiration for you to create your own 20 in 2020 list. I know I really enjoyed this exercise and hope you do too. Excited to see how many items we can complete in 2020!

My 20 in 2020 List:

  1. Subscribe to a magazine 
  2. Participate in a running group 
  3. Purchase a set of personalized stationery 
  4. Plan a reunion with college friends for a UF football game
  5. Alternate a glass of water in between drinks when out
  6. Use the 1 Second Everyday app to record more memories 
  7. Start using a meat thermometer 
  8. Host something at my apartment (brunch, dinner, happy hour, etc.) 
  9. Participate in a fantasy football league  
  10. Do a quarterly cleanout/decluttering of my apartment 
  11. Read 15 books
  12. Take a trip with my mom
  13. Find a dermatologist
  14. Replace my iPad case to have a working keyboard 
  15. Road trip to Notre Dame for a sporting event 
  16. Run a 5k race 
  17. Donate either time or money to a cause I am passionate about 
  18. Get new bedding
  19. Master ONE recipe and declare it my “go-to dish”
  20. Write 52 Monday morning newsletters!

On My Monday Radar – Holiday Edition! 

Changing up this section today. Since we are right in the middle of gift-giving season, I wanted to provide five ideas of gifts that ship FAST in case you are looking for a last-minute present.

  • Rifle Paper Airpod Case: This present would be perfect for the person who loves their airpods. I loved the design and how the product is on-sale and available in some Anthropologie stores. 
  • Blue Light Glasses: These stylish glasses (which ship fast with Amazon Prime) would make a unique gift! If you think about how much we all look at screens throughout the day, I can’t think of anything more practical.
  • Yeti Mug with Handle: I received my first Yeti Mug as a gift earlier this year and have been using it nonstop ever since. Especially now when my coffee instantly goes cold in a regular cup upon walking outside in Chicago. My only wish is that I had one with a handle!
  • Subscription to a Streaming Service and Show Recommendation: Have a show you recently watched and loved? What about getting someone a three-month subscription to Amazon Prime to watch the newest season of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel or Apple TV Plus for The Morning Show?  
  • A Book Gift Exchange: I still get together with my group of high school friends to do a Secret Santa gift exchange every year. This year we decided to assign a theme and all get each other books. Limiting to books made the shopping infinitely easier and I loved getting a book and a recommendation all in one. 

That’s all for today! I hope you found something in today’s newsletter that sparked motivation, made you smile or inspired a positive Monday thought. Don’t underestimate the power of starting small… a fulfilling week starts with just one fulfilling day. You’ve got this! 

Let’s make it a great Monday!

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