Megan's Monday Motivation

September 2024 Intentions

This essay initially appeared in the Monday morning newsletter on 9/2/24.

Happy Labor Day Weekend and HAPPY September!

Once again, summer came and went in a flash. And once again, I find myself grateful for this holiday Labor Day weekend and feeling a little melancholy about the end of a season.

know that the fleeting nature of summer is one of the reasons the season is so treasured.

… But, like every year, I will miss summer. Specifically, I will miss the ease that comes along with the season:

  • The ease of being able to casually walk out the door, without needing to consult the temperature and/or wrap yourself in a coat, hat, gloves, scarf.
  • The ease of getting out of bed early in the morning because it’s already light out
  • The ease of running errands or getting together with friends after work because it also stays light late
  • The ease of running errands or doing something fun on a Friday afternoon, because of a Summer Friday schedule at work


However… while there is a lot I will miss about summer, there is also A LOT to look forward to for the rest of the year…

  • Those handful of absolutely perfect fall days (already pumped forFALLIDY!)
  • The cozy and glittery holiday season
  • And for Matt and me personally… getting closer and closer to being married! Eeeek!

So, two things can be true at once.  I’m sad summer is over and also excited for to experience and cherish the rest of this year.

And with that, it’s the perfect time to get back to my monthly planning routine! The simple exercise – taking time to think about what I love about the month ahead, big things happening, and crafting intentions – helps me feel more present and intentional in the here and now.

If you ask me, I think it’s a great exercise to do over this holiday weekend, so I’m sharing my answers below in case it sparks any inspiration. Hope you have a wonderful September! 


September 2024 Planning 
What do I love about September? 

  • I love the idea that September is the other January. There’s that collective “back-to-school” vibe in the air. It’s a good month for being productive and practicing new habits.
  • The weather. Let’s be real – I am being a little dramatic about summer being “over” because summer weather stays around in Chicago for most of the month. So, yay! for another month of consistently warm weather and ample amount of daylight!

Anything big happening this September? 

  • I’m going on a fun trip with friends this month. Cannot WAIT for some quality time with friends and all the laughs.
  • So many friends’ birthday! I also love September because FOUR of my friends’ birthdays fall during a week-span at the end of September. It’s the best.

September 2024 Intentions 

  • Write out my “ideal week.” I’ve done this exercise before and found it really helpful for thinking about how I want to use my time, carving out open, free time, and helping me more intentional. September seems like the perfect month to revisit and sketch out an updated version.
  • Re-examine weekly work rhythms. This is somewhat related to the above, but I also want to consider the rhythms and routines of my work week. As schedules adjust back to “normal” (no more Summer Fridays!), I want to give some thought to how I structure my days. What mornings can I consistently carve out time for some deeper, focused work? Do Friday afternoons become my time for administrative things that pile up throughout the week and planning? Of course, many things are fixed, but I want to want to use the “new year” energy to consider and craft my working schedule to the extent I can.
  • Walks after work! Need to take advantage of warm temps and daylight for another month.
  • Celebrate friends well. Both on my trip and while celebrating the various September birthdays.  
  • Intentionally update my fall wardrobe. When the seasons start to change, I get the urge to shop and refresh my closet. I don’t blame myself – it’s so fun to see the new fall fashion in stores! However, I want to try my best to be intentional about what I purchase. I just checkedthis book out from the library and think it should help!

What are you looking forward to this month?